“Awesome. Ka-Boom. Darn tasty.” These were among the tasting notes from last year’s Hillsdale Brewfest. For tasters to become part of beer history this year, they can drop by anytime between 11 a.m. and 1 a.m. to order sampler trays (from IPAs to stouts, goldens to porters) and cast their ballot for the beer they love the most. May the best beer win!
While guests are sampling taster trays they can take a sip down memory lane. Hillsdale Brewery & Public House was the first brew pub opened in Oregon after prohibition cementing McMenamins role in cultivating Oregon’s beer culture.
Below are a few beers that will be included this year. The full list is at: http://www.mcmenamins.com/events/132011-22nd-Annual-Hillsdale-Brewfest
Apple Jack Ale
McMenamins on the Columbia Brewery
This is a full-flavored ale with a winter kick. The flavors from the malt have blended with apple cider, apple spice, and oak infused with our own Aval Pota as well as Jack Daniels and cinnamon. Aged for 6 weeks, this is a smooth winter drink that carries the season in every pint.
High Top Double IPA
Old Saint Francis Brewery
Take a trip to the top with this Double IPA. Brewed with excellent malt varieties to showcase a mellow malt flavor yet chewy and flavorful. Slight bread and grain complexities relax on the tip of your tongue. The dry hopping of the tank allows bold hop flavors to hit you on a high note! Floral aromas start your experience. Notes of lemon citrus and mild tropical fruit round out the middle of the hop flavor. Lingering hop bitterness doesn’t overpower-it leaves your tongue on a high note of enjoyment! Overall, it’s a smooth drinking experience for those who enjoy the High Top moments of life!
Death Star
Cornelius Pass Roadhouse Brewery
What happens when the Roadhouse brewers and distillers unite to make the ultimate big beer? Behold the DEATH STAR. Built from 1,000 pounds of malt and capable of destroying minds in a single blast, this sinister ale has enormous body and bold notes of candied raisins, dark cherry, and brandied figs. Thirty months of cellar time transformed huge hoppiness into a citrus-blossom icing just bitter enough to have you longing for another sip. So raise your glass and yield to the dark side!
Cerberus Wild Ale
Edgefield Brewery
Tart and funky, this three-headed beast is a blend of Belgian strong ale, golden ale and Berliner Weisse. All three were aged together in a Hogshead Whiskey barrel from the Edgefield Distillery and inoculated with a Belgian wild ale strain, Brettannomyces bruxellensis, to create that pleasant, earthy tang that pervades this balanced wild ale.